Autoimmunity or Chronic Pain stealing your joy?

Tame your pain and reclaim your spirit!



Have you had it with dragging yourself through your days and collapsing exhausted into bed at night?


Are pain, illness, or fatigue getting in the way of you living the life you truly want to live?




It doesn’t have to be that way. 


So whether you’re playing with your kids or grandkids, crushing your career goals, or crossing off items on your bucket list, the secret to living better in your body despite your diagnosis?


Is expert guidance and a supportive community alongside you.


Introducing “The Vitality Rx: Living Well with Autoimmunity & Chronic Pain”


Discover the power of radical self-care.


This unique program provides you with a comprehensive “toolkit” of simple strategies for getting your life back!


Discover the fundamentals of using movement, mindfulness, mindset and lifestyle upgrades to elevate your health and wellbeing.  You will also learn to overcome self-sabotage, so that nothing can hold you back! Add to that the support of like-minded individuals with similar goals, and this will be one of the most transformational experiences of your life!  


You will gain all the momentum you need to create a “sea change” in your life and health.


Because you only get one “wild and precious life.”


And that’s where I come in.


I’m an experienced yoga teacher, movement therapist, licensed massage therapist, and life coach who knows what it’s like to live with chronic pain and illness.  I dedicated years to studying human movement, anatomy, neuroscience, and more, so I could pull myself out of a downward spiral of pain, illness, and fatigue and get my life back – better than ever! And now I want to share these techniques with YOU!


I created my signature program, the Vitality Rx, because I know what a powerful combination movement, mindfulness, and a healing lifestyle, along with my most effective coaching techniques, are when applied together, especially with the support of others who also want to create major shifts in their life and health.


I joyfully gained so much more than I expected from Meredith’s classes as she brings her seemingly unending knowledge and her peaceful persona to her yoga classes. She is tuned in to each and every student and teaches the class to fit everyone’s needs and levels. She explains how each pose helps us both physically and mentally and adds beautiful nuggets of wisdom throughout the class. It is clear that her mission is to purely help people engage in yoga and experience the benefits of mental & physical health and well being that it offers. I am now an advocate of yoga practice but more so of Meredith as I have never had such an inviting and invigorating class of the many classes I’ve attended at different venues.

Mary Campagna


This program is for you if:

  • You have a chronic illness and/or pain and want to feel better and live better in your body;
  • You’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired;
  • You want more energy so you can focus on clarifying and achieving your goals;
  • You want to be more present for your loved ones;
  • You want to be part of a community of like-minded people who will support you while you make improvements in your lifestyle and attitude and will celebrate your accomplishments;
  • You want to reduce your pain, improve your sleep, and increase your strength and flexibility;
  • You want to decrease anxiety and increase feelings of well-being;
  • You want the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher/movement therapist/life coach who knows what you’re going through because she has been there (living well with hypothyroidism and chronic joint pain);
  • You are ready to take responsibility for your health and well-being and commit to making positive changes in your life;
  • You can spend an average of 20-30 minutes a day, for a period of three months, completing online assignments and classes, addressing body, mind, and spirit;
  • You are ready to love your life again, as a sexy, vibrant, unique individual!


This program isn’t for you if:

  • You aren’t ready to take responsibility for your health and attitude;
  • You can’t commit to attending classes and spending up to 2-3 hours per week on home practice and assignments;
  • You don’t have access to a computer to complete assignments that might include pdf, audio and video files.


So what do you get when you join “The Vitality Rx”?

  • A library of gentle, but effective yoga & movement classes of varying lengths that focus on creating a healing state in your body.  I developed these sequences specifically for individuals with autoimmune issues and/or chronic pain to support the body’s healing process and balance the body.  I will work with you to establish your goals and select the best classes for your needs, so that you gain leverage and see progress.  Modifications will be presented so that you will experience benefits no matter your current physical limitations or fitness level.  You will always have something new to try that will fit into your schedule and lifestyle.
  • Regular live classes will be offered, so that you can interact with me (Meredith) and get answers to your questions.  I will also use this feedback to design future classes with your needs in mind.
  • Guided meditations and breath work techniques focused on reaching healing states in your body-mind.  Again, various themes will be presented, so that you are sure to always find the perfect ones for you!
  • Exercises and techniques designed to elevate your mindset and change your perspective, so you can achieve a higher state of well-being.
  • Goal-setting help …because your dreams shouldn’t stop just because you’ve got health challenges!
  • Effective techniques for overcoming self-sabotage so that you can stay on track and achieve your health, wellness, and lifestyle goals.
  • Weekly assignments that address body, mind and spirit enabling you to create a holistic, healing lifestyle.
  • A strong support network of like-minded individuals with the similar goal of improving their lives and health in spite of autoimmune disease.  You will gain access to a private membership forum where you can ask questions, get guidance and coaching from Meredith, and gain accountability from the group as you make healthy changes.

Program launching again SOON!

Make sure you don’t miss the program launch announcement. Join my mailing list below.

I'm ready to THRIVE!

6 + 14 =

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from my coaching sessions with Meredith. Once we began though, I quickly realized how beneficial her coaching was for my life. …I was overwhelmed trying to balance the demands of daily life. Meredith outlined strategies to help organize my busy schedule. Each week, Meredith would check in and hold me accountable for the goals we set during our prior conversation. I knew that if I hadn’t followed my plan for “me time,” Meredith would call me on it. I feel the greatest benefit I gained from working with Meredith, is a stronger knowledge on how to better organize all the little things. I don’t feel so wound up all the time, and as a result, it has trickled down to my kids – they seem calmer as well. Also, she reminded me to cut myself some slack, and to not be so hard on myself all the time. I would highly recommend coaching sessions with Meredith for anyone looking to regain focus in their life.

Rachael K.

Photographer, Nazareth, PA

Thank you so much for the coaching session! It was amazing to me how the “right questions” could put everything

regarding my choices into perspective.

Sometimes when we are in the middle of our situations, we can not clearly see the way to our own happiness. The session
with you helped me to see that the solution, which I thought was complicated and difficult to reach, was actually in my own hands
the whole time.



Pam L.

Yoga Teacher

My initial coaching session with Meredith focused on clarifying my goals and taking steps towards reaching the balanced lifestyle I envisioned for myself and my family. At that time, my energy was scattered and I felt overwhelmed. I needed to focus but did not know how to move out of the exhausting cycle I’d found myself stuck within. Meredith provided just what I needed to move into a more productive, creative, and peaceful place. Her voice as a coach pushed me forward into the direction I desired to go.

Brianne P.
